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Felting experience in America

Mette Østman

Opdateret: 8. jul. 2024

The North House Folk School will be my host when soon I' ll be going to Minnesota. It is a place that resembles the Scandinavian Folk High Schools and they do have close connections to Scandinavian heritage when it comes to traditional northern crafts in all sorts of materials. They offer workshops such as Advanced Nålbinding, Introduction to Tablet Weaving and woodcarving just to mention a few. Take a look on their long list of inspiring courses and you'll immediately wish to go there.

The home page of North House Folk School showing their upcoming events
North House Folk School

Felt making will, of course, be my admittance to this lavish space for immersion. As a part of the 2024 Fiber Week I will be the instructor of two workshops. Felted bags with integrated details is one work shop, that I am seriously preparing for in order to have ideas and knowledge to pass on and add to the felting experience of the students. I'm quite happy there is still some time to go.

Felting a shirt or a vest is the other workshop. A large area of woven textile is covered with fine merino wool and integrates into a new and firmer material. Lots of of details have to be taken care of along the way. This is an example of the blending of colours that I can't stop enjoying when making nuno felt.

In the time to come I'll make an effort sharing photos from the preparations on @mette.oestman

I'll also introduce the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis where more felting experiences and considerations will be shared.

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